Japi Project

Innovative mapping of the environmental sensitivity of the southern coast of Bahia


por Técnico Enauta

In an emergency, it is essential that vital information is readily available for decision making. To enable solutions that require greater precision, we carried out the unprecedented endeavour of mapping the environmental sensitivity of the coastal ecosystems along the southern coast of Bahia state, giving emphasis to the mangrove forests. We joined forces with researchers from universities in two different states and by using remote sensing and computer modeling of the environment, we developed the JAPI Project (named after a bird found in the region). JAPI identified and classified the level of sensitivity of each local ecosystem, taking into consideration tidal variations and seasonal changes in ecosystem behavior. It is the most thorough and detailed study of the subject, prepared with a local focus, that has been developed in Brazil.

Project developed by COPPE-UFRJ, UFBA and PROOCEANO and financed by Enauta under the Petroleum Law for Research and Development (R&D) Incentives.

Duration: 2011 to 2014
Scope: Southern coast of Bahia state
Investment: R$ 7 million

Click here to access the Project website.