Grael Project


por Técnico Enauta

Based on the principle that the sport of sailing opens up paths for socialization, through education and professional training, we support the Grael Project, conceived by Olympic champions Torben and Lars Grael.

Set up in 1998, on the Charitas sands, in Niterói (RJ), the project promotes social inclusion for socially vulnerable children and adolescents. Since then, more than 17,000 young people have been served and it now benefits around 350 young people at a time at its base in Jurujuba bay, Niterói (RJ).

The teaching methodology and learning is based on theoretical and practical classes, using the sport as an instrument for broader education. The courses offered under the Grael Project are divided into three main programs: Sports Program, Professional Training Program and Environmental Program.

Click here to learn more about this initiative.

Resources applied under the Federal Law for Sports Incentives.

Location: Niterói (RJ)
